Saturday, January 30, 2010

2009 review

A belated year review. The big thing was of course my trip to Ecuador. I went to the top of the Andes
and to the Amazon rainforest

and saw hundreds of birds

and some mammals, too.

As blogged earlier, I developed an interest in butterflies and odonates this year, and also, spurred by a decent camera, got more involved with photography.

In late September I found a Prairie Warbler on my own in Santa Cruz, which was seen the next day by several birders. This is "my" best bird so far and was very exciting and rewarding.

I took a week off around October 1st, visited Pt. Reyes

and my Dear Old Mama.
and went to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival in SF's Golden Gate Park.

I hope to blog more and get more good pictures in 2010.