Saturday, January 31, 2009

San Lorenzo Park duck pond

One area that can get some fairly interesting birds, especially in winter, is the duck pond at Santa Cruz's San Lorenzo Park. Families often feed the waterfowl and gulls here and the avifauna can become quite acclimated to people and provide reasonable photo opportunities.

This winter a juvenile Greater White-fronted Goose and a juvenile Cackling Goose have been hanging out together at San Lorenzo Park, often in or near the pond. The Cackler seems to be an Aleutian type as a white ring is appearing around its neck. Years ago, several domestic geese frequented this area, but there were captured and taken away to a sanctuary.

Mallards, some of them obviously not full-blood, but not quite Frankensteinian are common at the pond. In winter Common Goldeneyes, such as the drake above, can often be found here, and sometimes Bufflehead, as well.

Winter is also the season for Mew Gulls to be easily observed at the duck pond. I took the above picture there, and for some reason, the background came out very dark, even though it was daytime. Mew Gulls are readily identified, even by me, by their pigeon-like head and small-for-a-gull bill. I have also seen Thayer's Gulls at the pond this winter (with help from Steve Gerow) and Herring Gull, as well as the more common Western, Glaucous-winged, and California gulls, and some hybrids.